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Many thanks to teacher librarian, mr Manolis Lemontzoglou for his assistance.
TO BRIDGE THE TWO BOOKS: Which person did Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker have in common? (hint: wife)
Η βιβλιοθήκη του Γυμνασίου Μαγούλας φιλοξένησε την πρώτη συνάντηση της Αναγνωστικής μας Λέσχης, που σήμερα είχε τα νέα μέλη (και ένα παλιότερο). Κάναμε έρευνα πάνω στη ζωή και το έργο του Όσκαρ Ουάιλντ από έντυπες και ψηφιακές πηγές και πολυμέσα της Βιβλιοθήκης, και ετοιμάσαμε λίστα με ερωτήσεις προς συζήτηση στην επόμενη τηλεδιάσκεψη με τις φίλες μας στη Ρουμανία. Όλα τα μεγάλα θέματα θίγονται στο Πορτραίτο του Ντόριαν Γκρέυ. Ανυπομονούμε να τα συζητήσουμε.
Τις ευχαριστίες της ομάδας στον υπεύθυνο κο Μ. Λεμοντζόγλου για την αρωγή του.
Searching about the person that Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker have in common i found an article about the two writers:
"Wilde's trial not only had an impact on the public perception of homosexuality, it was also an important personal event for Bram Stoker. Wilde and Stoker had crossed paths in Dublin for years and continued to move in the same social circles in London. Both Stoker and Wilde attended Trinity, and Stoker ended up marrying Francis Balcombe, a Dublin woman Wilde had previously been in love with and to whom he had proposed. Stoker and his brothers frequently visited the Wilde home in Ireland, and Stoker himself was particularly close to Wilde's mother, Lady Esperanza (Farson 85). While Stoker was sympathetic to Wilde's legal difficulties, seldom was there any love lost between the two men. Not only did Wilde feel betrayed by Balcombe's marrying Stoker, Stoker and Wilde were also two very different types of men. As much as Wilde was a decadent aesthete, Stoker was a proper Victorian gentleman. Stoker was as reserved and dignified as Wilde was outrageous and public. Stoker and Wilde may have had more in common though than the love of the same woman and the last few years have brought about a great deal of speculation about Stoker's sexuality."
Well done, Denisa!
If you want to see the actress Florence Balcombe, on whom Sybil in Dorian Grey was based, click
Thank you for the link. It was very nice to see Florence Balcombe, the women who was part of the lives of the two writers, Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker. It is interesting to know that two had things in common.
Reading their books, i have to admit that i liked more "The picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde.
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