Celebrating linguistic diversity, multilingualism, lifelong language learning
Dear friends from all over the world, we celebrate on Friday, in the European Union, European Day of Languages. On this occasion, we thought that we can transform the blog into a FORUM, a space for dialogue (not only European but also international), which can establish a bridge between cultures and peoples which, in the traditional way, are in affirmation of permanent competition. You are invited, therefore, to post to the topic below your comments and your views on multiculturalism and multilingualism.

Words of wisdom written by Lydia, Maria and Anastasia, 16 during their English class. Many thanks to Ms Dretaki for her help.
In the photo you can see old and new members of our book club who commented on today's post, holding the Library's dictionaries.
Ms Radulescu's invitation set our library on fire today!!
...we don't know which is the angel's language, but today we felt the angels very close to us, because we heard them in so many ways. Thanks again to Helen and Greek team from Elefsina, for the gift they offered us today. A

Hello to people of Targoviste, especially to Carmen Radulescu... my loved soulmate... On next Friday, in such important day, if anyone desire talking in spanish, I would be thrilled of sharing that moment with you... in exchange, I only beg a chocolate cake...
I know that the Eskimoes have 49 words for the snow. I told that to Aris, who is presently preparing his comment in the library, and we started talking about cultural richnese and multiligualism. Wait and see what he thinks.
I just looking at Internet trying to find out which is the way to express the gratitude, around the world. I found this site: http://www.channel4000.com/sh/holidays/stories/holidays-20001113-125755.html
and looks fantastic. I believe it is possible that all these words you're in the same manner and to transmit the same type of energy
Είναι καλό να υπάρχουν διαφορετικές γλώσσες-Τα προβλήματα μας κινητοποιούν γόνιμα, μας κάνουν να βρίσκουμε λύσεις ,
Όπως το να μάθουμε μια τρίτη γλώσσα, ή να μάθουμε τη γλώσσα του άλλου διευρύνοντας το πεδίο της επικοινωνίας, και βελτιώνοντας τις νοητικές μας ικανότητες. Έτσι μαθαίνουμε και για άλλες κουλτούρες. Στην εποχή μας οι νέοι συρρικνώνουν τη γλώσσα με διάφορες αγγλικές λέξεις, και δεν χρησιμοποιούν το πλούσιο λεξιλόγιο των εθνικών γλωσσών. Στη Βιβλιοθήκη υπάρχει λεξικό της Ελληνικής με 9 τόμους! Όταν το άκουσα, δεν πίστευα πόσες πολλές λέξεις υπάρχουν σε μια γλώσσα. Άρης, 17, Ελευσίνα
I think that multilingualism is good. Having communication problems can motivate people from different countries to learn a common language or a national one. It broadens the mind and enriches us from the cultural aspect. Nowadays, young people communicate by codes that contain greenglish words. They don’t use the rich vocabulary of the national language. In the library there is a Greek dictionary with 9 volumes!! That’s a lot of vocabulary! Aris, 17, Elefsina (Library translation)
you are right, Aris. In Romania happens the same worrying fact: most of the romanian teenagers speak in "romglish", in which they mix romanian with english...It's great that different countries can speak the same language, but we don't have to forget our own.
Nowadays young people use codes to cut elders out of their world
Elders should use a richer vocabulary to give an example to us.
As a group we think there should be an Esperanto at schools because language learning is expensive.
Joseph lymperis-dimitris mpampas-stefania melissari-vagelis moulkiotis-emilia lina-athina mpekiari
Στην αρχή, όταν ήρθα εδώ στην Ελλάδα, δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω τίποτα. Κάθε μέρα έβλεπα τηλεόραση και προσπαθούσαν να καταλάβω και να μάθω με ένα βιβλίο γραμματικής. Σε δύο εβδομάδες είχα μάθει τα βασικά της γλώσσας και σε τρεις μήνες έμαθα να γράφω, να μιλάω και να διαβάζω. Όχι πολύ καλά, αλλά κάθε μέρα προχωρούσα σιγά-σιγά. Τώρα δυσκολεύομαι λίγο στην ορθογραφία, αλλά τα καταφέρνω. Έλτον, 17, Ελευσίνα
When I first came to Greece from Albania, at the age of 15, I couldn’t understand a single word. I watched TV every day and tried to understand with a grammar book in my hand. In two weeks I learnt the basics and in three months I learnt to read, write and speak. Not very well, at first, it’s true, but I took one step at a time. Now, three years after, I’m having a little trouble with spelling, but I manage. Elton, 17, Elefsina
Καλύτερα θα ήταν να έχουμε εθνικές γλώσσες, απ’ότι μια εσπεράντο, διότι η γλώσσα είναι φορέας αξιών, στάσεων και πολιτικής. Μπορεί η παγκοσμιοποίηση της αγγλικής γλώσσας να φιλελευθεροποιήσει τα ήθη μερικών π.χ. κρατών του Τρίτου Κόσμου, αλλά από την άλλη, υπάρχει ο κίνδυνος της αλλοίωσης της ιδιαίτερης κουλτούρας κάθε χώρας. Μουσλούμ, 17, Ελευσίνα
I think it’s best to sustain national languages instead of speaking in Esperanto. Language is a vehicle of values, mentalities and politics. Maybe speaking the American language would eventually make some countries of the third world more liberal, but, on the other hand, it would spoil the local cultures. Muslum, 17, Elefsina (Library translation)
The wide variety of languages makes the world an interesting and mysterious place, because every time you travel abroad, you discover greater and greater things.
Maria-Elesa & Katerina, 16, Elefsina
No languages, no life. Languages are the lab of dreams.
Lydia, Maria, Anastasia, 16, Elefsina
Am incercat, pornind de la povestea turnului Babel, sa caut o explicatie a ceea ce sunt limbile astazi. In primul rand, daca e sa dam credit povestii,scopul amestecului a fost ca oamenii sa nu mai poata stabili relatii eficiente intre ei, astfel incat divinitatea sa nu mai fie amenintata. In acest sens, daca urmarim tensiunile care se nasc tocmai din aceasta diferenta, probabil ca divinitatea si+a atins scopul. Pe de alta parte, povestea poate fi interpretata si altfel. As zica, mai degraba, ca amestecul limbilor a fost mai degraba un test dat de Dumnezeu oamenilor, pentru a dovedi maturitatea lor.
I tried, from the Tower of Babel story, to find an explanation of what languages are today. First, if you give credit story, the purpose of the mixture has been that people can not establish relations between them, so that divinity was no longer threatened. In this sense, when tensions are born that way from this difference, and likely divinity + achieved goal. On the other hand, the story can be interpreted and otherwise. I say, rather, the confusion was rather a test given by God to men to prove their maturity. Denisa.
Intrebarea care se ridica aici este: Cat de maturi sunt oamenii? Au ajuns ei la acel nivel de intelegere care sa le permita acceptarea neconditionata a "celuilalt", in baza a ceea ce avem cu totii in comun? Cine poate sa raspunda?
The question that rises here is: How mature are the people? They got them to that level of understanding to enable them unconditional acceptance of the "other" on the basis of what we all have in common? Who can answer? Alexandra, Diana Oana si Alina
cred ca exista la nivelul mentalului social o ezitare privind acceptarea neconditionata a celuilalt, a strainului. fiindca in felul acesta simte ca apartenenta sa sociala, traditiile, cultura, valoriile definitorii pentru acel spatiu se vor "pierde" prin actiunea uniformizatoare a globalismului.
I think there are at a social mind somekind of hesitation on the unconditional acceptance of others, to strangers, because the way it feels as belonging to social traditions, culture, defining value for that space will be "lost" by the global action. Horatiu
Have to congratulate Elton for your determinate wish to learn a foreign language and to be a part of the Greek community you adopt. I think this is the essence of life...to make all possible to conect people, to establish partnership, to be in touch with your human relatives....
signature: all Romanian girls from Economic School in Targoviste
Thank you girls!Elton
(He is pleased and embarrassed!)
About Esperanto.. I believe that the attempt to form just one language for everybody is a bit selfish for us, Europeans..because we have mostly latin languages..we are somehow used with the languages composing Esperanto..but for example..the Eastern Cultures (Chinese, Japanise) will have a hard time learning it..and even if they learn it, after a while they will form new words, or they will create a new dialect..
So let's embrace multilingualism.. and start learning as many languages as we can!
Gabrielle, Adelinha, Andree, Lusia
oh..and no matter how you pronounce or name a cat - chat, pisica, katzen - it still remains a sweet little kitten, that can brighten your day!!
Tot noi (still us) :D
Educarea adultilor, in ceea ce priveste invatarea limbilor straine, ar trebui sa fie prioritara mai ales dupa aderarea Romaniei la UE.Cursurile de limba greaca de la Comunitatea Elena mi-au fost foarte folositoare in activitatea desfasurata ca ghid de turism.
Anca Miculescu
We discussed the Babel story and Maria Passia, 17, and Efi, 16, wsnt to say that God's punishment for Man's arrogance was indeed a gift. The gift of multilingualism. "The Babel Tower may not have been finished, but our future was."(Maria)
Languages do not divide people, but we are all people with the same needs, and full of feelings. We can also communicate with body language, by dansing, and with the univrsal language of music. Efi, 16, Elefsina
Στον τομέα της γλωσσομάθειας παίζονται μεγάλα συμφέροντα. Στις μέρες μας όλα είναι εμπόριο. Ακόμα και η γνώση. Ας σταματήσει λοιπόν αυτή η εκμετάλλευση. Η γνώση είναι δικαίωμα όλων μας, χωρίς να υπάρχει αναγκαία το χρηματικό αντάλλαγμα.Έφη, 16
In our country, people and language institutes take advantage of the need for kids to learn a foreign language. This has to stop. Everybody has a right to knowledge. Why should you pay to learn English? Efi, 16, Elefsina
Παρ' όλο που διδασκόμαστε γλώσσες στο σχολείο δωρεάν, παρατηρείται ένας βαθμός αδιαφορίας από τους μαθητές. Κι αυτό εξαιτίας της πεποίθησης των νέων ότι το μάθημα επί πληρωμή είναι πιο αποδοτικό από τη δωρεάν παιδεία. Αυτό, και όσοι και όσα διαπλέκονται, είναι η θλιβερή πλευρά. Πρέπει να γεφυρωθεί η σχέση μαθητή-σχολείου.
Μαρία Β., Μαρία Γ.17
Although foreign languages are taught at school, kids don't pay attention much, because they think they learn better at Language Institutes. This is due to many factors. It is unfortunate and must change. We must bridge the gap between school and learning. Maria Vergou, Maria Gerolymou, 17, Elefsina
I have been teaching ENGLISH for a long time and I noticed that pupils and children, generally speaking are the same everywhere.English is something fun for some of them, something they think they can handle very easily or something unaccesible, distant ,uncomprehensible for others.I love this language,I enjoy speaking it and it is the language that best expresses my own thoughts and feelings.If angels are to use an universal language in heaven this should be English.
Dear colleague, you may not agree, therefor, with our author, Nikos Kazanztakis, who says that SILENCE is the language of angels.
I do not think it matters what language talk as long as we have said the same thing. I think the barriers between people are rather different way of thinking or dealing with a problem, not that they do not speak the same language. When we have something to say or when they are compatible with a person can easily find the appropriate method for expression. Worse is when we have nothing to say or when not find people with whom to talk.
I think that languages reflect our cultural and identity differences, but, in the mean time, they allow us to understand ourselves. To Communicate.
Gabrelle , 17
A very good friend of mine told me a few months after his departure in Finland how difficult was for him to learn the language.More exactly he told me that he felt for the first time in his life the same feeling that the people with hearing disabilities have . Although Finns are not as skeptical in learning foreign languages, especially English, as other peoples, in marginal areas of big cities Finnish is the first language.And when you can not communicate with the person next to you is like you were dumb or deaf.
As Aris was telling, the learning of foreign languages should not necessarily mean the loss of specificity, the originality of each nation and each language.Many international organizations promote the idea of union, the creation of a single language system that allows an easier communication, but at the same time they promote the intact preservation of traditions, habits and characteristics of the national languages which unite by diversity.
And as is the case of our project, without the use of English communication would be impossible, but at the same time without the information that we shared on the Romanian and Greek culture, language,traditions, we wouldn't learn anything and the charm would be lost.
Diana, you said it all with the deaf and dumb metaphor about not nowing the language of the country you chose to live in. It is a terrible feeling. Only one who has experienced it can understand. Yesterday, one of the best day's in the library's calendar, thanks to etwinning, we discussed a lot about language learning, espranto, youth codes and the digital era. Although it is a topic for essays in the greek Lyceum, discussing it with feedback from Romania, made it quite unique. Your answers will be given for English class, Mrs Dretaki helped a lot yesterday and we'll let you know.
Thank you all.
Tο Λύκειό μας με τη σύμφωνη γνώμη του Λυκειάρχη κ.Ελληνα Γεώργιου και τη βοήθεια του Υποδιευθυντού μας κ.Καπέλη Ευάγγελου, γιόρτασε την Ευρωπαική μέρα Γλωσσών μέσα από το Ευρωπαικό πρόγραμμα ηλεκτρονικής αδελφοποίησης σχολείων στην Ευρώπη. Οι καθηγήτριες των Αγγλικών του Σχολείου μας κ.Αννα Τσιούπρου και κ.Παναγιώτα Τζαφέρου συγκέντρωσαν 30 μαθητές μετά από κλήρωση και με συντονισμό από τη γράφουσα έγινε εγγραφή των καθηγητών και των μαθητών στο πρόγραμμα eTwinning. Την 4η διδακτική ώρα συγκεντρωθήκαμε στο εργαστήρι πληροφορικής για να γιορτάσουμε αυτήν τη μέρα με ένα chat μέσω του eTwinning. Oι χώρες που συμμετείχαν εκτός από την δική μας και τη διοργανώτρια χώρα που ήταν η Τσεχία ήταν: Ρουμανία, Ιταλία, Πολωνία και Ισπανία. Τα θέματα που συζητήθηκαν σ΄αυτό το επιτυχημένο chat ήταν: 1. Γνωριμία - ανταλλαγή ονομάτων 2. Εθνικές εορτές 3. Αγαπημένη Μουσική 4. Χόμπυ 5. Ανταλλαγή ηλεκτρονικών διευθύνσεων 6. Εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών 7. Το επόμενο μάθημα 8. Η πόλη μου 9. Τα ταξίδια μου στο εξωτερικό 10. Μόδα 11. Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες και εντυπώσεις 12. Ελεύθερος χρόνος 13. καλοκαίρι 14 ποδόσφαιρο 15. Ερωτήσεις για τη Διατροφή 16. Φιλία 17. κατοικίδια ζώα 18. ελληνικά μεζεδάκια (γύρος-σουβλάκι) 19. ποδόσφαιρο
Τα παιδιά το καταευχαριστήθηκαν , το ίδιο και εμείς οι καθηγητές τους.
Η γλώσσα που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν κατά κόρον η Αγγλική!
Αν θέλετε κάποιες άλλες πληροφορίες στη διάθεσή σας!
Με τιμή
Ελένη Τσαρουχά
Καθηγήτρια Γερμανικής
Υπεύθυνη Σχολικής Βιβλιοθήκης 1ου ΓΕΛ Χαλκίδας
Ms Tsarouha, teacher responsible of the library in 1o genico Lykeio Halkidas, a city near Athens, coordinated an etwinning chat in English between her school and Romania, Italy, Poland and Spain, with the help of her colleagues. Many topics were discussed and everybody had fun doing it. It is good to see such efforts that unites so many schools in Europe through distant learning.
Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να γνωρίζουμε ότι αυτή η αργία είχε τόσο μεγάλο ακροατήριο. Συγχαρώ την κ. Ελένη Tsaroucha και συναδέλφους και να ευχηθώ κάθε επιτυχία αυτών των σχεδίων εταιρικής σχέσης.
Η γλώσσα είναι το παράθυρο που μας ενώνει με τον Κόσμο. Όσο περισσότερα παράθυρα έχουμε τόσο πιο πλούσιοι γινόμαστε. Σε γνώσεις, συναισθήματα και απολαύσεις.
Είναι καταπληκτική η συνεργασία αυτή των δύο σας σχολείων. Και πολύ πρωτότυπο το θέμα. Συγχαρητήρια.
Language is the window that unites us with the World. The more windows we have, the richer we become. In knowledge, feelings, enjoyments and delights.
This cooperation between the two schools is magnificent! Congratulations!
Σώτηρα Ντίνα
Υπεύθυνη Σχολικής Βιβλιοθήκης ΕΠΑΛ Γαλατά
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