Alberto Manguel, the author of "History of Reading"
likens his own library to the coffin of native earth that Dracula carries with him from Transylvania to London, since he is old, wise and sad enough to see that the future of Reading lies in cds.
Reading, as Peter Conrad states in the
Observer, is
'a ritual of rebirth', which both invigorates the reader and awakens old books to new life. The Count himself was the proud owner of a huge library in his Transylvanian castle, in which the wretched Johnathan Harker, imprisoned in reality by Dracula, spent many of his mornings.
Ο Αλμπέρτο Μανγκουέλ, συγγραφέας του βιβλίου "Ιστορία της Ανάγνωσης", φαν
ατικός βιβλιόφιλος, δηλώνει με πικρία ότι η παραδοσιακή του βιβλιοθήκη είναι σαν το φέρετρο του Δράκουλα, που περιέχει το χώμα που τον αναγεννά, και το οποίο πρέπει να κουβαλά μαζί του για να επιβιώσει. Αυτά εν όψει του ζοφερού κατ' αυτόν μέλλοντος όπου τα βιβλία θα συμπιέζονται σε ένα cd και θα αποκλείσουν την ερωτική σχέση με τον αναγνώστη τους. Από την άλλη, ο κριτικός βιβλίων Πήτερ Κόνραντ, είναι πιο αισιόδοξος λέγοντας ότι η ανάγνωση είναι τελετουργία της αναγέννησης που αναζωογονεί τόσο αυτόν που τα διαβάζει, όσο δίνει νέα ζωή σε παλιά βιβλία. Πατήστε
εδώ για το άρθρο.
Στο βιβλίο του Στόκερ, ο Δράκουλας κατέχει μια πλούσια βιβλιοθήκη, στην οποία βρίσκει καταφύγιο και παρηγοριά ο δύστυχος Τζόναθαν Χάρκερ, τις ημέρες της ομηρίας του.
Posted by the Greek Library
Ritual of re-birth of the nations could be interpreted the decision took by Germans, Hungarians, and Romanians in nineteenth-century in Transylvania (now in Romania but then a province of Hungary). All of them attributed special importance to rese

arch collections in the creation of their political nations. This study traces the development of the most important repositories of the respective nations: the Germans'
Brukenthal Museum,
the Hungarians' Transylvanian Museum Society, and the
Romanians' Astra. These institutions arose as hybrid museum-libraries and even included archives. Despite this common conception, they developed differently due to the nature of their constituencies, the growing professionalization of libraries, museums, and archives, and political change within Hungary and Romania.
Μιλώντας για αναγέννηση, αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι η αφύπνιση των εθνών τον 19ο αιώνα ανέτρεξε στις ιστορικές πηγές και τις συλλογές μουσείων για την τεκμηρίωση των διεκδικήσεών τους. (Η Τρανσυλβανία τότε ήταν επαρχία της Ουγγαρίας). Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν να ιδρυθούν οργανισμοί υβριδικοί ανάμεσα σε μουσεία και βιβλιοθήκες, που περιείχαν βέβαια και πηγές και χρησίμευαν σα βάσεις δεδομένων για τις εθνότητες (μειονότητες;) που αργότερα άλλαξαν υπηκοότητα. Αν και άρχισαν με το ίδιο όραμα, η Γερμανία, η Ουγγαρία και η Ρουμανία πήραν τελικά διαφορετικές κατευθύνσεις, που υπαγόρευσαν οι πολιτικές αλλαγές και τα κατά τόπους καθεστώτα.
Yes, I agree.By reading you gain experience, knowledge and, in a way, you can become a new man.
I am leaving this school this year but I am still coming to the bookclub meetings, beca use I feel good when I am in them. C U then!
An extremely interesting piece of librarianship information there, thank you!
The 19th century was indeed a time of national rebirth. In 1821 the Greek revolution against Turkish occupation resulted in the Greek State.
The simile of national rebirth in connection with museums and archives was very keenly felt!
2 comments about it.first is about books.in my opinion it wont be good,classical books to be included oncd's.first if someone opens pc for sure it wont be easy for him to read a book(and i am not talking about adults that they know why they opened the computer,i am talking about kids that they surely will find more attractive opening a game from opening a file with the book and read it).second,if the books as they are known wont exist anymore,moments of happyness and pleasure(mom read a book to her kids for sleep,reading your book on beach,go to library and choose a book of your prefer)will be lost forever.if some people are indeed in worry about the old book they dont have anything else to do but to publish new edditions with them,but in the fear they wont have a profit they dont do,so cd is for sure a safer solution for them ;)...isn't it?
second comment is about national inherit.for sure as the article sais many countries as romania,hungary and germany were inpirated from the books and any other thing that art can include.it is vitally importand for every nation to understand that from the creation of it (not mention the creation of world) people used and will be used to write about history on books.books always had been a form of liberty as anyone can write whatever he wants on it(and the laws of most countries are protecting it).so,to sum up,by reading a book people can see the brave acts of their people,know about the faults of the past,and get inspirated again about facing their life with hope and psychical strength again.
2 comments about it.first is about books.in my opinion it wont be good,classical books to be included oncd's.first if someone opens pc for sure it wont be easy for him to read a book(and i am not talking about adults that they know why they opened the computer,i am talking about kids that they surely will find more attractive opening a game from opening a file with the book and read it).second,if the books as they are known wont exist anymore,moments of happyness and pleasure(mom read a book to her kids for sleep,reading your book on beach,go to library and choose a book of your prefer)will be lost forever.if some people are indeed in worry about the old book they dont have anything else to do but to publish new edditions with them,but in the fear they wont have a profit they dont do,so cd is for sure a safer solution for them ;)...isn't it?
second comment is about national inherit.for sure as the article sais many countries as romania,hungary and germany were inpirated from the books and any other thing that art can include.it is vitally importand for every nation to understand that from the creation of it (not mention the creation of world) people used and will be used to write about history on books.books always had been a form of liberty as anyone can write whatever he wants on it(and the laws of most countries are protecting it).so,to sum up,by reading a book people can see the brave acts of their people,know about the faults of the past,and get inspirated again about facing their life with hope and psychical strength again.
I think that the story that you said is very interesting, I have been reading about it , the video is wonderful and the photos too, thaks for sharing my friend!
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