Welcome to our countries!!

Click here to see map of Elefsina and here for a closer look at our school! A web presentation(ppt) of The Economic High School - HERE

Dracula Bookmarks

Targoviste - between myth and reality


Centuries ago, Vlad Tepes, a Romanian prince, became well known in Europe because of his bloody habit, impaling. For this reason, people called him Vlad the Impaler. One of the favourite cities to express this bloody wish, was Targoviste. That’s why, Vlad the Impaler has been associated with Dracula, and Targoviste as one of Dracula’s house.
How does it look Targoviste nowadays?

A very quiet town, the only army that makes noise is for the celebration of the town.

Αιώνες πριν, γράφουν οι Ρουμάνοι συνεργάτες μας, ένας αιμοσταγής ηγεμόνας της Βλαχίας, ο Βλαντ Τέπες, ήταν διαβόητος στην Ευρώπη για τη συνήθειά του να ανασκολοπίζει τους εχθρούς του. Ένα από τα κάστρα του, το κάστρο του Δράκουλα βρίσκεται στην πόλη μας, Ταργκοβίστε, σήμερα μια ήσυχη επαρχιακή πόλη. Ο μόνος στρατός που παρελαύνει είναι οι κάτοικοι κατά τις τοπικές γιορτές.
A feedback from Medeea Secretariat

© video made by Romanian students Click here to see Elefsina today and its mythological background. NOTE: Demeter, the ancient goddess of earth, had a special connection to our town. "Demeter" is the name of the ship with which Dracula travelled from Romania to England, in a most thrilling story within a story! Πατήστε εδώ για πληροφορίες για τη μυθολογική Ελευσίνα και την πόλη σήμερα. ΣΗΜ.: Στο βιβλίο, ο Δράκουλας ταξιδεύει από τη Ρουμανία στην Αγγλία με καράβι που ονομάζεται ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ! Πρόκειται για τη θεά των Ελευσινίων μυστηρίων που δίδαξε την καλλιέργεια του σίτου και έδωσε ελπίδα για τη μεταθανάτια ζωή στους θνητούς!

eTwinning conference

For the article on the conference in the Greek local press, press here Πατήστε εδώ για το άρθρο περί Διάσκεψης στον τοπικό τύπο του Θριασίου Αττικής.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waiting for the prize....

13th of February....For us, 13 it will be our lucky number. It was very exciting to find out our project's name between the finalists nominated to the European award within eTwinning competition...
Now, we are waiting for the special day...See you in Prague!!

You can see below an interview with the headmaster of Economic High School, Mrs. Suzana Ilie, and some evaluation feedback from Romanian Team.

Πατήστε κάτω για να δείτε τη συνέντευξη της Διευθύντριας του «ION GHICA” κας Suzana Ilie, και την εργασία πάνω στο ΧΡΟΝΟ των μαθητών στην Ελευσίνα, καθώς περιμένουν την απονομή των βραβείων.

Click here for some media announcement.

So let the Elefsina Tower Clock do the countdown till zero hour!
Our team ponders on time, while waiting for the prize...


libelef said...

Well done, girls! We'll give a responce, shortly.

Anonymous said...

Well there, this wideo is so great! Im so happy I could see it and I'm really waiting to see the Greec's answer. Hurry up guis!

Anonymous said...

i saw the video. it was fantastic.well done.ELTON

Anonymous said...

Hi i am Vangelis. I also participated at e-twinning.As a student i keep some pictures from my school surely our friendship is one of them. Eventhough last year i have finished school i will always have on my mind all those things that i gain from e-twinning. I gain friends first of all, i have learn about a different culture from our... who would want more? I hope that our frienship will last beside e-twinning. Well i dont want to bothering you.It would be a good idea to come and visit us when you can then we can visit together our archaeological sides. The video was very good well done i saw it and i was really surprized from the idea!

INeedADream said...

Hi Vangelis. I'm very happy to see that you didn't forgot us. I agree with you, i'm aprecciating too this special friendship beetween our teams. Will be a pleasure to see you and the others students. Kisses for all students. DENISA

INeedADream said...

I was very happy seeing the video with the greec student. Thanks for the rose Aris:)It's a pleasure to see that the both teams enjoyed this project. Hugs for all students.
P.S: I hope to see you soon at a new video chat. DENISA

Anonymous said...

I think the greatest prize we won by the project Between the lines is the friendship we made with you.We can take like a gift the opportunity to share our cultures with the others, that this project gave to us.
But I think we don t mind winning the prize too!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just saw the video you made and it was lovely. Thank you for being such great eTwinners!

I have no doubt that we will win the prize because our project has lots of special things , like friendship, learning about different cultures and talking about important things from everyday life. ANCA

Unknown said...

We already won the biggest prize!!! We've met teenagers like us from another contry, we put so much soul and patiance in this program, we proved that imagination and ideas can cross the world again. I am sure will win their prize too. For me, at least, it is a grat pleasure that I am part of this project and I can't wait the next one! See you there!