Blood is a key word in the novel we are reading.
In a gothic novel such as Bram's Stoker's Dracula it is the substance for eternal life.
In the real world blood donation is a simple way to save a life.
Click on the image to see how Albanian-born Aris's poster has become a multi-languange message for blood donation.
Το αίμα, λέξη-σύμβολο μέσα στο μυθιστόρημα του Μπραμ Στόουκερ, είναι κομιστής ζωής, αθανασίας, ερωτισμού αλλά και μεταδοτικων ασθενειών.
Σήμερα, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Αιμοδοσίας, το αίμα γίνεται πηγή ζωής και σύμβολο ανθρωπισμού. Ο Άρης, μέλος της Αναγνωστικής Λέσχης έφτιαξε τη σχετική αφίσα. Πατώντας επάνω, βλέπετε την εκδοχή της στα αγγλικά, ρουματικά και ελληνικά.
George is studying for his exams. In a break he drawed this for us...
"The blood is the life!"- Bram Stoker, Chapter 11, Dracula
Good going, Aris and George. So there is time for humanitarian feelings amidst the exams!
The Librarian
Oh..14 th of june?the world day for blood donation is exactly my birthday.i discovered that me and dracula have some thing in common:the blood ;))
May you become as important as your birthday!
As I knew Alexandra, she has a sublime need to give, to offer, that means her anniversary is related to give life to others, to donate them "blood" into spiritual meaningful.
Be loved, my dear!
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