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Dracula Bookmarks

Targoviste - between myth and reality


Centuries ago, Vlad Tepes, a Romanian prince, became well known in Europe because of his bloody habit, impaling. For this reason, people called him Vlad the Impaler. One of the favourite cities to express this bloody wish, was Targoviste. That’s why, Vlad the Impaler has been associated with Dracula, and Targoviste as one of Dracula’s house.
How does it look Targoviste nowadays?

A very quiet town, the only army that makes noise is for the celebration of the town.

Αιώνες πριν, γράφουν οι Ρουμάνοι συνεργάτες μας, ένας αιμοσταγής ηγεμόνας της Βλαχίας, ο Βλαντ Τέπες, ήταν διαβόητος στην Ευρώπη για τη συνήθειά του να ανασκολοπίζει τους εχθρούς του. Ένα από τα κάστρα του, το κάστρο του Δράκουλα βρίσκεται στην πόλη μας, Ταργκοβίστε, σήμερα μια ήσυχη επαρχιακή πόλη. Ο μόνος στρατός που παρελαύνει είναι οι κάτοικοι κατά τις τοπικές γιορτές.
A feedback from Medeea Secretariat

© video made by Romanian students Click here to see Elefsina today and its mythological background. NOTE: Demeter, the ancient goddess of earth, had a special connection to our town. "Demeter" is the name of the ship with which Dracula travelled from Romania to England, in a most thrilling story within a story! Πατήστε εδώ για πληροφορίες για τη μυθολογική Ελευσίνα και την πόλη σήμερα. ΣΗΜ.: Στο βιβλίο, ο Δράκουλας ταξιδεύει από τη Ρουμανία στην Αγγλία με καράβι που ονομάζεται ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ! Πρόκειται για τη θεά των Ελευσινίων μυστηρίων που δίδαξε την καλλιέργεια του σίτου και έδωσε ελπίδα για τη μεταθανάτια ζωή στους θνητούς!

eTwinning conference

For the article on the conference in the Greek local press, press here Πατήστε εδώ για το άρθρο περί Διάσκεψης στον τοπικό τύπο του Θριασίου Αττικής.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Striving against Evil

On Good Thursday, we paint our easter eggs red, for the blood Christ shed for humanity, just as in Romania. In a couple of hours the churchbells will ring sadly, as the Holy Bible is read about the cruxifiction.
Here is the Dracula excerpt of the day:
“…we bear our Cross, as His Son did in obedience to His Will. It may be that we are chosen instruments of His good pleasure, and that we ascend to His bidding as that other through stripes and shame. Through tears and blood. Through doubts and fear, and all that makes the difference between God and man."Van Helsing's bad english doesn't shadow the christian forebearance he prompts Mina and Johnathan to show in their darkest hour: that of hunting count Dracula on his own grounds in Romania.
What are the "good guys'" other weapons against evil?

Μεγάλη Πέμπτη σήμερα, και στις δύο χώρες βάφουμε τα αβγά κόκκινα σαν ενθύμηση της θυσίας του Χριστού. Σε λίγο θα αρχίσουν να χτυπάνε πένθιμα οι καμπάνες της Ακολουθίας των Παθών. Απόσπασμα από το βιβλίο του Στόκερ: «…φέρουμε τον δικό μας σταυρό, όπως ο Υιός έκανε υπακούοντας τον Πατέρα. Μπορεί να είμαστε τα όργανα της θελήσεώς Του, και έχουμε πάρει τον ανήφορο κατά την εντολή Του, μέσα από τη ντροπή, αίμα και δάκρυα, μέσα από τις αμφιβολίες και το φόβο και ό,τι αποτελεί τη διαφορά μεταξύ Θεού και ανθρώπου.»
Ποια νομίζετε ότι είναι τα όπλα του Βαν Χέλσινγκ και της ομάδας του κατά του κακού;


Anonymous said...

Easter time renews our desire to live, to love, to share. It is marvellous to discover that we have so many things in common, so many things that get together, much more than what are separate us.
Easter time is magical, because it offer us the possibility to start again our life, there is a time of resurrection, but Jesus Christ didn’t died 2000 years ago, he die every year, and the Time it goes on every year from the beginning (It is an interesting theory make it by Mircea Eliade, an Historian of religious). From Romanian point of view that seams to be real…..

Anonymous said...

It’s really interesting to discover so many things that are common. Before to be part in this project I never thing that Romania culture is similarly with the Greece culture. I think the excerpt is very interesting and suitable. It’s very good to create connections between the book and our daily events. I’m waiting impatient for our next chat.

libelef said...

I dare say I share the enthousiasm with my colleagues about the similarities between our people. We were always told that the Balcans had their own unique culture, but we were never taught the history of our neighbouring countries. Etwinning is the occasion to join in friendship and understanding. I am glad the Internet becomes a tool for bringing people together.